Areola Pre Care:

Areola Pre Treatment Preparation: To perform this tattoo procedures, the skin of your must be hydrated and moisturized on the day of your appointment. 

Week before treatment:

  • Avoid: Alcohol, excessive Caffeine, and extreme sun exposure.
  • While showering, when skin is soft and supple, gently scrub the area with an exfoliating cloth.  After apply a layer of Vitamin D or A&D 
  • Please note that you will be more sensitive 5 days before, during, and 5 days after your menstrual cycle.


• The skin should not be dry, chapped, or irritated on the day of the appointment. Sculpted Studios reserves the right to cancel you appointment if your lips are not in optimal condition for the treatment.
• Please wear loose fitting clothing and bring a loose bra top that you do not mind getting stained.
• Do not exercise the day of the procedure.
• Do not tan or come with a sunburn.
• Do not consume caffeinated products 24 hours before the procedure.
• Do not consume alcohol 5 days before your procedure and 3 days after.
• Do not take Aspirin, Niacin, Vitamin E, or Ibuprofen 72 hours before the procedure.

Areola After Care:


For the first evening and following morning of your procedure, wipe the treated are with the provided antiseptic wipes. On the second day, the treated areas should be wiped down two times a day: Morning and evening – again only using the provided wipes. 


It is normal to be excited about your new Areola(s); however do not touch, pick, peel, tamper, scratch, rub, injure or remove the peeling in any way, you will damage the color and affect the retention. Let the skin naturally go through the healing and recovery process.  

A very thin layer of A&D ointment should be applied consistently throughout the day to the treatment area using a fresh Q-tip (do not use mineral oil or petroleum- based products such as Vaseline.) Applying too much ointment can lead to fading, so a thin layer goes a long way. This will keep the area moist and accelerate the healing. Do not let the area dry out and crack, keep it moist at all times. Do not press or rub when applying ointment. 


  • Do not touch, peel, tamper, rub, injure or remove the peeling in any way, if you do, you will experience a loss of color.
  • Do not let any sweat, water, lotion, soap, or makeup touch the treated area.
  • Abstain from any physical activity that causes extreme sweating.
  • No foreign body fluids.
  • Do not use any lotions other than the moisturizer provided or a natural moisturizer such as coconut oil or shay butter on or near the treated area


  • NO hot sauna, swimming pool, ocean, hot bath, sun tanning, tanning salons, vaseline, Neosporin, or any other petroleum based products.
  • DO NOT expose the area to unsanitary or dirty conditions.  
  • 30 DAYS
  • Do not use products containing alcohol or products that contain glycolic, lactose, or fruit acids and avoid salt or saline on the treatment area.
  • Avoid any prolonged sun exposure on the treated area.